e CommonSense: Election Day Wrap-Up

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Election Day Wrap-Up

We know that many readers were anxiously awaiting DelcoTomPaine's take on the election results, expecting our usual insight and wisdom and maybe some good gossip too. But frankly, election results in Delco are just so ho-hum, so predictable, and so unexciting, that we can hardly stand to waste the keystrokes. Here are a few observations however:

Paula Brown lost her umpteenth race for mayor of Darby. Now maybe the place has a chance at survival. The GOP might have to increase her hours however, or even get her a full-time job, if she is going to continue keeping Darby in turmoil.

Which reminds us, just what is John McNichol going to do about Upper Darby? It's only a matter of time before a Democrat wins something significant there, and then Upper Darby will become another Lansdowne, swinging from Republican to Democrat as the wind blows. We are sure that McNichol will not subject Upper Darby to the Paula Brown/Darby Treatment (buying off a Democrat so she'll keep the Democratic Party in turmoil and ineffective), because that is a drastic remedy and the consequences are dire, and he wouldn't do that to his beloved Upper Darby. So what is he going to do?

We predict that he's going to let it go. The younger generation of the Delco Republican Party is already establishing beach heads in the western part of the County, in places like Concord Township, Middletown Township, and Birmingham Township, a la Curt Weldon, Andy Reilly, and Hughie Donaghue. DelcoTomPaine predicts that in ten years the Delco GOP will have ceded large parts of the eastern, less prosperous part of the County to the Democrats. The GOP will hang on to Radnor, Marple, Haverford, and Springfield, which have money and also will provide an important barrier between the nouveau riche enclaves of Concord and Birmingham and the teeming masses of Yeadon, Darby, Folcroft, Glenolden, and, soon, Upper Darby.

On another election note: Judge Zetusky was up for retention, and to no one's surprise he won easily. The famously bad-tempered and erratic yet intelligent judge has a far greater battle ahead of him, however. It is well known that Judge Zetusky wants to succeed Judge Clouse as President Judge, so it was not wise of him to insult and anger Andy Reilly. Having just endured what other lawyers put up with on a daily basis, Reilly might have second thoughts about allowing Zetusky to become PJ.


At 9:57 PM, Blogger Franny Ward said...

"DelcoTomPaine predicts that in ten years the Delco GOP will have ceded large parts of the eastern, less prosperous part of the County to the Democrats."

I disagree. Upper Darby (Where I was born) will not turn into an extension of West Philly (As many including myself have predicted). New laws on Section 8 upped the amount of money that the renters on it will have to pay. Sonny Kane's greed in the late 70's to get federal monies in exchange for allowing section 8 into Upper Darby has expired.

Sure Upper Darby has problems, but as a whole it's citizens are still your average working Joes and Janes. What McNichol needs to do is to reach out to all the the home owners, and hopefully start a homeowners accociation, much like the stuffies have in Drexel Park.

The problem areas (Stonehurst, Bywood, Cardington,) all have honest people of various races all striving to live the American Dream. The hoodlums that roam the streets need to be warned that people will not put up with them.

Upper Darby Homeowners Association

Sounds like a good idea..

At 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are going to refer to the western part of the county, please be accurate; since 1997 there has not been a Birmingham Delaware County, in that year the municipality became Chadds Ford, Delaware County
thank you

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many have wishfully predicted the immenent demise of the Republican organization in Upper Darby. As a life-long resident, I have a different view. Drive around and see the young families establsihing new lives and bright futures for thier children and ask yourself if the actual demographic change isn't good for everyone. Maybe it is worth recognizing the good work that has been done under the Republican banner that has made this possible and kept the "barbarians" at the gate.

At 2:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure Upper Darby has issues with the lower end (69th St., Stonehurst, Bywood) but the high end (Drexel Park, Drexel Gardens) are honest hard-working folks. The federal money that 69th street generates will always keep UD in a strong position in the county. What McNichol needs to do is recruit young folks (28-45) to assist his son Paul (Twp Solicitor) in carrying the flag. To many folks with Twp jobs are lazy and do not do their fair share of the legwork needed to remain strong. No campaigning. No volunteering. Nothing. The foundation needs some work!! But as a lifer from Drexel Hill, I will do my part to maintain the excellent quality of life that UD TWP provides.


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