e CommonSense: Succession Planning

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Succession Planning

It's what every smart corporation does so that when your CEO starts to act a little funny and you think that maybe an overseas assignment - say, perhaps, to Russia - would be good for him and the company, you have his successor all spruced up and ready to go.

Some of us here at DelcoTomPaine saw Andy Reilly on Action News last week, and we all thought the same thing: the man looked - dare we say it? - downright Congressional.


At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right. You really think this scenario will play out? Curt is going to take this seat down in a flaming pile of his own blather and he will refuse to see reality until the votes come in on the night of November 7.

Then he'll go to Russia.

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the GOP knows this and will offer Curt a cushy new position (that he can't refuse) so he'll give up his Congressional seat to take it. Then Andy can be appointed to finish out his term and run in the next election. Is that possible? Nah... troublesome politicians in Delco aren't moved up to get them out of the way. Right, Judge Clouse?

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Middletown Bomber said...

Andy Rielly a ideological conservitive member of the Delco Machine serves as President of the County Council by the good graces of the leader of the Machine (John McNichol) And Rielly can look as congressional as he wants but he will never be selected to move on to congress as the machine deems him a thorn in its side and not an asset. is Curt Weldon will not resign or be offered a cushy job by the Delco GOP because US House of Representive seats can't be appointed: (and since the work cycle is 2 years they do not have special elections to fill them.) they just remain vacant until the next general election cycle. (and even if they could the Machine would never allow a Fast Eddie (because a vaccancy at this level would be filled by the governor a Democrat who would appoint a Democrat.) to fill this vaccancy.) My Prediction Curt will be in congress until the day after he dies or the first day of January after he is voted out of office. Hopefully this year will be the year.

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a local Democrat who attends all the County Council meetings, I fear the day Reilly would run for such an office, so overwhelming would be his victory.

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I look at this and the other articles here. And I consider the content. And I consider the writing. And I think to myself...

This guy doesn't work at the courthouse. He works at a newspaper.

Now who's been hyping "Peter Porcupine" in the press?

At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see, Bender wrote about him once, Goethe once, Spencer twice.... OMG, it's Gil! Wonder why he'd hype a site that doesn't generate any advertising revenue when he already has a lucrative career with a widely read paper?


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